Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Turinabol 10mg 100 tab




Turinabol was developed by a German pharmaceutical company. Similar in structure and action to methandrostenolone. There are also such variants of it as turinover, turik, turanabol and others. It has a strongly pronounced anabolic activity and a moderate androgenic effect. Developed to reduce side effects. The main actions of zhengzhou turinabol include:

  • Does not aromatize
  • Does not retain liquid
  • Qualitative growth of strength and mass indicators
  • Positive effect on blood vessels
  • Increases testosterone levels

Turinabol ZPHC course: Optimal doses of turinabol have been developed – this is 20-40 mg per day. With this option, side effects are minimized, and the effectiveness is quite high. In bodybuilding, cases of using 100-150 mg per day are known. It is possible to use zhengzhou turinabol both for drying and for gaining muscle mass. The course is not recommended to increase more than 6 weeks, and the average can be about 6 – 8 weeks. In the first course of steroids, the optimal duration will be 6 weeks. At the same time, dosages of 40 mg per day will be optimal for gaining muscle mass and improving strength. As a supplement, it can be used in conjunction with testosterone enanthate or sustanon at 250 mg per week. With the same duration of 6 weeks. At the same time, testosterone is excluded for a week, while continuing to take turinabol. Turinabol Zhengzhou reviews: In order to understand what the effect on athletes is, we recommend reading about Turinabol Zhengzhou reviews. Basically, you will see positive ratings, perhaps a higher price compared to methane. But the number of "side effects" is minimal, so the drug is quite safe to use. It is also enough just to take turinabol, the doses in tablets are easy to calculate. We also recommend that you pay attention to other drugs from Zhengzhou and make sure of the high quality of their products. And the affordability of prices again adds points to turinabol reviews! So Turinabol is an excellent steroid with minimal side effects. It is also worth noting that it is also suitable for use in other sports, but with lower dosages.


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