Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Trenbolone Enanthate 200 mg/ml 1 ml



Trenbolone enanthate – the period of action of enanthate is 10-12 days, it is very effective on a mass-gaining course, with proper nutrition, you can easily gain 8-10 kilograms. Good power boost.

How to take Trenbolone Enanthate:

beginners should talk to a consultant about the possibility of using trenbolone on the cycle.

experienced athletes: a working dosage of 400 mg per week, a course of 8 weeks, with the addition of testosterone to the course, as well as other anabolics. In total, you will need from 16 ampoules or more, our consultant will help you calculate the number of ampoules and other steroids.

How to put trenbolone enanthate:

Trenbolone enanthate is administered intramuscularly, it doesn't matter if you put it in the morning, at lunch or in the evening, the main thing is to put it at the same time, you can mix trenbolone and testosterone in one syringe.

Additional drugs on the course:

Cabergoline and letrozole or anastrozole, gonadotropin, if oral steroids are present on the course, then you need to drink additional flamin.

What can be combined with:

It must be combined with testosterone, you can add more anabolics to your course

How to do PCT after trenbolone acetate:

We take Clomid, after trenbolone you can not use tamoxifen

How to take Clomid:

For 15 days we drink Clomid 100 mg and for 15 days we drink 50 mg per day and for 15 days we drink 25 mg per day.

* Clomid dosages may vary depending on the dosages of trenbolone enanthate and the time of its use, as well as additional drugs on the course.


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