SP Laboratories Supertest 450 mg/ml 10 ml



With great pleasure we present you a super novelty from the company SP Laboratories – Supertest 450.

What is Supertest 450?

These are as many as 5 different testosterone esters with different turn-on and half-life rates in one preparation! 450 mg. active substance per 1 ml.

Test acetate 32 mg.

Test propionate 73 mg.

Test phenylpropionate 73 mg.

Test cypionate 125 mg.

Decanoate test 147 mg.

Supertest 450 is a stretch to compare with Sustanon. The similarity is expressed in the duration of exposure to the body, and in the presence of two identical esters. The main difference is that Supertest 450 is not inherent in the presence of "hormonal pits", this is its main advantage, and the presence of an additional acetate ester and cypionate.

Why buy SP Supertest 450

Turning on to work a few minutes after the injection

Smooth switching from short to long ether allows you to maintain a stable "working" concentration of testosterone in the body.

Savings of 30-40%. In a 10 ml vial, in fact, the equivalent of the contents of 2 vials of any other testosterone. Enough for a long time.

Super quality from SP Labs

Powerful effect on anabolic processes in the body

Supertest 450 application, course, reviews

Supertest 450 is the most “long-playing” in terms of duration of exposure. After 1 injection, the drug will work for almost a month. Based on this, short courses for up to 10 weeks are not recommended.

The course on the supertest 450 should last from 10 weeks in order to fully feel the effect of the drug.

Like any testosterone, Supertest 450 can be combined with any drugs, according to the androgen + anabolic scheme. Thus, you will achieve a synergistic effect from taking the drug and greatly increase the effectiveness of the course.

Supertest Side Effects, Post Cycle Therapy

Supertest is subject to aromatization, like any other testosterone, therefore, if you are planning a course on Supertest, you need to start taking anastrozole from the 2nd week of the course in order to level out the side effects associated with the conversion of SP Supertest to estrogen.

Also, the mandatory use of gonadotropin 3 weeks before the end of the course. The use of gonadotropin must be started with the last injection of Supertest.

Drugs for PCT are selected depending on which drug the supertest was combined with. If nandrolones, trenbolone were not used on the course, then tamoxifen is suitable as the main drug for PCT. If the above drugs were used, then PCT should be carried out with Clomid. PCT should begin after the complete elimination of the drug from the body – 3.5 weeks.

You can buy and order Supertest 450 from SP Laboratories at the lowest price in Ukraine. We guarantee the originality of the drug.


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