SP Laboratories Enanthate 250 mg/ml 10 ml



SP Enanthate is a fairly powerful steroid with anabolic and androgenic activity, produced by the pharmacological company SP Laboratories from Moldova. It is based on the active ingredient testosterone enanthate (a steroid with an enanthate ester, dissolved in oil, designed to gradually enter the human bloodstream). Due to its presence, the described drug can show a powerful positive and at the same time long-lasting effect, lasting about half a month. The main area where SP Enanthate can be effectively used is sports practice, it can be effectively used in bodybuilding, triathlon, weightlifting and other disciplines. The central purpose of the application is a set of muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators, it is their increase that this steroid mainly contributes to. It also has other positive effects (muscle pumping, improved joint function, etc.), which are significant and beneficial for the athlete. Description of what Sp Enanthate is: In the West, the predecessors of the described drug, created on the basis of the same active substance, appeared in the middle of the 20th century, in the early 50s. Then testosterone enanthate ester was the first and only slow-acting oily steroid available to athletes, so products based on it were enviably popular. They are popular even today, and not to a lesser, but to a greater extent, and all thanks to the large number and variety of positive effects that come in handy, both within sports and in other areas.In particular, the SP Enanthate steroid can exhibit the following beneficial effects on the athlete's physical fitness: • Large increase in muscle mass, • Rapid increase in athlete's strength indicators, • Improvement in joint function (due to water retention), • Stimulation of the fastest recovery of the body, • Strongest muscle pumping effect, • Improvement of general vitality, increased desire to exercise. The anabolic and androgen Enanthate from SP laboratories has other significant advantages, in addition to the diverse effects, in particular, the long action. This steroid, depending on the hormonal background and metabolism, can show its activity for 2-3 weeks (an average of fifteen days, which is a lot). By the way, this feature saves the athlete from the need for frequent injections (usually injections of the described drug are given once a full week). Important: when using SP Enanthate for sports purposes, care should be taken, as the drug can show not only positive, but also some side effects. In particular, there is a possibility that during the course androgenic “side effects” and deviations will make themselves known, including: increased oily skin, acne pimples, intense facial and body hair. It is also known that the drug SP Enanthate is an aromatizing steroid, which means that the athlete can also be disturbed by estrogenic side effects (fluid retention in the body, gynecomastia, fat growth). To jinx the mentioned ailments, athletes usually use anti-estrogen drugs – Clomiphene or Tamoxifen. We also note that the described steroid is not recommended for use by the fairer sex.The fact is that SP Enanthate is characterized by a rather strong androgenic effect, which, if used by women, can lead to masculinization (the phenomenon of the development of secondary sexual characteristics of the male in the female sex – body and facial hair, acne, etc.) . In conclusion: after purchase, storage of SP Enanthate 250 should be carried out in a dark and dry place at a temperature not higher than, but not lower than room temperature. Also, as a precaution, make sure it is out of the reach of pets and children. Course of application of SP Enanthate and dosage In sports practice, this steroid drug can be effectively used both in solo and in combination with other steroids, from trenbolone to methandienone, to increase the effectiveness of the cycle. The main purpose of its use, as a rule, is a set of muscle mass, as well as an increase in strength indicators. The recommended dosage of SP Enanthate for athletes is 250-500mg (perhaps even 750-1000mg) per week. It acts for a long time (about 15 days), so there is no need for frequent injections. It is usually administered once a week and applied in courses lasting an average of 7 weeks. Such volumes, duration and frequency of administration are quite enough to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass and increase in strength indicators. By the way, the doses of SP Enanthate required for administration are easily calculated.It has a convenient concentration of the active substance (250mg / ml), so there should be no problems here: to take the minimum recommended dose (it is 250 mg) you will need exactly 1 ml of the drug, for a dosage of 500 mg – 2 ml, etc. . As a result, it is almost impossible to get confused and make a mistake in dosing. Important: to improve performance, athletes often combine the course of SP Enanthate with other anabolics and androgens. What steroids can it be effectively combined with? There are many options. The choice of a particular combination largely depends on your goal and experience. So for a greater increase in muscle mass, the use of Enanthate from SP Laboratories can be combined with the introduction of trenbolone enanthate. Dosages are used as follows: the first steroid – 500 mg per week (for 7 weeks), the second – 200 mg per week (for 6 weeks). On this course and at the end of it, you may also need some auxiliary means, in particular Proviron (from the 2nd week of the course), Tamoxifen (during post-cycle therapy) and Gonadotropin (on PCT). If you are striving to obtain better muscle mass, then for this purpose you can use the joint intake of SP Enanthate, the steroid methandienone and stanozolol. Dosages: the first steroid – about 250-500 mg per week, the second – about 40 mg per day, the third – 40-50 mg per day. The described drug and methandienone are used from the start of the course, stanozolol – at the exit. As adjuvants, the antiestrogen Tamoxifen and Proviron should be used at 10 and 50 mg per day, respectively.In general, if you want to understand in detail what the instructions for SP Enanthate are and how to take it, then we recommend visiting our Forum. Here you can quickly contact AthleticPharma consultants (master of sports in powerlifting, sports doctor, etc.) and get the most useful advice and practical recommendations. SP Enanthate Facts and Reviews Firsthand Testosterone enanthate ester is in high demand within the sports industry. Therefore, facts and opinions about the tools created on its basis are easy to find on the net. In particular, you can easily and quickly find reviews of Enanthate from SP Laboratories by going to the Forum of our store. Why our Forum? There are many reasons, but perhaps the most important of them is the freedom of communication – here the athlete can freely speak about the qualities of the drugs ordered by him. In addition, at the Forum you can chat with AthleticPharma consultants who are familiar with the effect of pharmacological agents put up for sale. In general, having studied the reviews of SP Enanthate available on our resource, you will find out that this is a fairly powerful and at the same time long-acting steroid. Its anabolic and androgenic activity, by the way, are completely identical to those of endogenous testosterone, and the duration of action reaches 2-3 weeks, which is a lot. This means that there is no need for frequent injections (usually one dose per week at a dosage of 250 to 500 mg is enough for a pronounced effect). Also, the instructions for use and reviews of SP Enanthate suggest that this anabolic and androgen is endowed with a considerable number of positive properties that can be useful both in sports and beyond.So, it can contribute to a set of muscle mass, increase strength indicators, cause a pumping effect, improve overall vitality and joint function. All this is extremely useful for an athlete who cares about his physical form. The described drug also has other advantages, for example, a convenient and beneficial concentration of the active substance of 250 mg per 1 ml. As the reviews say, the SP Enanthate steroid is incredibly easy to dose, moreover, with such a concentration, one 10 ml barrel of it is enough for a long time (at a dosage of 500 mg for 5 weeks). Favorable price, buy SP Enanthate economically and reliably Why should you buy the described drug in our online store? There are many reasons, so let's sort it out in order.

  • Firstly, the price of SP Enanthate is beneficial mainly for visitors. We try to make steroids affordable for everyone, besides, our resource has a discount system that allows you to save on large orders.
  • Secondly, having decided to order SP Enanthate from us, you can not worry about the safety of your confidential data. For security purposes, we have established a reliable ssl connection, which protects and ensures complete anonymity of the work.
  • Thirdly, we have convenient and reliable delivery. If you buy Enanthate 250 from SP Laboratories, it will come to your nearest post office (delivery is carried out on the territory of Ukraine). And you should not worry about the safety of the goods, because before sending we carefully pack each drug (everything is neatly laid with paper and taped in the most reliable way).
  • Fourth, choosing our store to buy SP Enanthate you can be sure of its original quality. The fact is that we get all the pharmacological agents offered for sale “first-hand”, that is, from companies and from manufacturing plants. There is no need to worry about their “originality”.

In general, you can buy SP Enanthate from us, the price of which is favorable, the delivery is reliable and convenient, and the effects are multiple and useful. If you still have any questions about the order or the drug itself, then visit the “FAQ” section in the site header or the Forum. Here you will surely find all the information you need.


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