Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg/ml 1 ml



Drostanolone (Drostanolone) is an anabolic and androgenic steroid, also known under the trademarks Drolban, Permastril, Metormon and Masteron. It is produced in the form of two esters – propionate (dipropionate) and enanthate, which determine the main characteristics of the steroid. The nature of the effect on the body remains unchanged, however, the active substance enters the blood at different rates. Drostanolone propionate allows you to get the effect 1-3 days after the injection, enanthate acts up to a crescent. Masteron has moderate anabolic and high androgenic effects. It does not undergo conversion to estrogens, being an aromatase inhibitor. By its biological nature, Drostanolone is similar to dihydrotestosterone, and is its derivative. The chemical formula of the steroid is 2-alpha-dihydrotestosterone propionate. Initially, Drostanolone Propionate and Enanthate were used exclusively as a medical treatment for breast cancer, but after some time they were canceled due to the high likelihood of virilization. Most often, the Masteron steroid is available in ampoules of 100 and 50 mg / ml. Drostanolone action:

  • Maintaining the gained muscle volume, increasing the relief, density and hardness of the muscles. Most often, bodybuilders use Masteron shortly before the competition and on cutting.
  • Pronounced fat-burning properties, which was proven in the course of scientific studies (fat mass after a course of drostanolone of the subjects decreased by 5–7%).
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Moderate diuretic effect.
  • Suppression of catabolic processes.

The Masteron Solo Course As far as how to take Masteron propionate ("propik") and enanthate, athletes show the best results at a dosage of 400-500 milligrams per week. An increase in the injected volume does not give a proportional increase in physiological parameters, which cannot be said about the rapidly increasing probability of adverse reactions of the body. The course of masteron propionate involves injections every other day or three times a week, enanthate is injected once every 7 days. It is recommended to start using the steroid after consultation with a sports doctor and a complete diagnosis of the state of the body. While taking AAS, it is necessary to periodically take tests and make appropriate adjustments. Combined courses with drostanol: The solo course of drostanolone has some disadvantages, which can be neutralized by the inclusion of other anabolic and androgenic steroids in the course. Drostanolone has a high affinity for androgen receptors, making it best combined with Oxandrolone and Winstrol. The latter drug is especially effective because it weakly interacts with androgen receptors and reduces the level of globulin that binds sex hormones. Thus, a synergistic effect is provided. To gain muscle mass, Masteron is recommended to be combined with testosterone propionate. But with such a course, to compensate for the suppression of endogenous testosterone levels, it is necessary to take gonadotropin. Masteron is compatible with Boldenone and Trenbolone. Side effects of Drostanolone: ​​Low anabolic index contributes to pronounced fat-burning properties, but at the same time significantly increases the risk of androgenic reactions.There are such side effects from Masteron as virilization, acne, baldness, prostate hypertrophy and increased aggression. The drug does not cause an increase in blood pressure, fluid retention and is practically non-toxic to the liver. Reviews of Masteron: A rather specific steroid, the androgenic activity of which exceeds the anabolic one. Reviews of Drostanolone speak of it as a good fat burner, especially if used in combination with drugs that compensate for androgenic effects. As for the masteron solo course, exceeding the recommended dosages is likely to lead to side effects. Reviews of Masteron propionate and enanthate recommend a steroid to increase the relief, hardness and visibility of the muscles. Women are not advised to use the drug because of the high risk of virilization.


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