SP Laboratories Metandienone 10 mg 100 tab




SP Methandienone is a steroid that can be an excellent choice for athletes seeking to achieve rapid muscle gains and strength gains. It is a pronounced anabolic with fast activity and a wide spectrum of action, felt already during the first weeks of the course.

As an active ingredient in the drug, the steroid of the same name, methandienone, has a long history of use in sports and traditional medicine (respectively, as a doping or drug). "Methane" (slang name) first appeared on the market in the late fifties of the last century and quickly gained popularity. Initially, it was not considered doping at all and could be safely used by athletes to develop physical fitness.

The steroid substance that is the basis of Methandienone SP Laboratories (100 tab, 10mg / tab), belongs to a number of left-sided anabolics and is structurally a modification of testosterone, modified in the direction of enhancing the anabolic effect and reducing the androgenic effect.

This is an original drug produced by JV Laboratories. You can verify this after purchase. Find the UPIK code on the blister of tablets (for tablets – on the blister, for injections – on the barrel) and enter it on the company's website – at http://upic.sp-laboratories.com/. So you will receive confirmation of the original origin of the tablets:

SP Methandienone check

SP Methandienone: drug properties

This steroid preparation is produced by the Moldovan company SP Laboratories, which has been operating on the market for a long time and has proven itself in the production of predominantly high-quality pharmacological products. According to information from reliable sources, the company's drugs are produced at the facilities of the Balkan Pharmaceuticals plant and, in fact, SP is in some way a division of Balkan Pharma.

SP Metandienon is an effective anabolic steroid in tablets with moderate androgenic properties (anabolic and androgenic activities – respectively 200% and 50% of endogenous testosterone). The correct intake of such a drug for sports purposes contributes to multiple improvements. It enhances anabolic and weakens catabolic processes, leads to the formation of a positive nitrogen balance, helps to gain muscle mass and increase strength with endurance, accelerates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat deposits.

The results obtained on the Methandienone SP course can also be expressed in strengthening the skeletal system, increasing efficiency and temporarily increasing appetite. However, with its long-term use, side effects can also occur, especially if recommendations or individual predisposition are violated.

Possible side effects due to SP Methandienone are:

high blood pressure,

increased libido during the course and its decrease after,

acne rash,

fluid retention,


liver dysfunction,

effects of masculinization in women.

In isolated cases and with a significant overdose, such violations can be observed,

like gynecomastia,

myocardial hypertrophy,

testicular atrophy or obstructive jaundice.

Contraindications to taking these pills are: breast cancer in men, breast cancer in women, individual hypersensitivity, liver or kidney failure, nephrosis, glomerulonephritis in the nephrotic stage, prostate adenoma, hypercalcemia. Also, the drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy (if methandienone is used for medicinal purposes, then breastfeeding should be abandoned during treatment).

Metandienon SP Laboratories tablets should be stored at room temperature (choose a dark and dry storage location out of the reach of pets and children).

Effective course SP Metandienon

Athletes such a drug can be effectively used in mass-gaining courses and to increase strength in a short time. He quickly shows his activity, and the results will not be long in coming. This anabolic can also be used for medical purposes as prescribed by a doctor (methandienone was originally developed and used as a medicine).

Specifically, in sports practice, the course of SP Metandienon usually takes place in combination with other anabolic steroids. To increase muscle mass, it is often combined with testosterone esters (usually testosterone enanthate, cypionate or sustanon), nandrolone, trenbolone and many other drugs.

The joint course of the use of SP Methandienone (20-50 mg per day) + the drug nandrolone decanoate (about 200-400 mg per week) is considered one of the classic and best ligaments. During post-cycle therapy with this combination, either tamoxifen or clomiphene citrate should be used.During the course itself, there may be a need to take Proviron or its analogue to get rid of possible consequences.

Methane dosing should be individualized based on general condition, fitness level, goals pursued, and steroids used in combination. On average, athletes are recommended doses in the range of 20-50 mg per day (respectively 2-5 tablets per day). Such amounts of the steroid are usually sufficient for the necessary improvements without a high risk of side effects.

The course of taking Methandienone SP Laboratories can last from 6 to 8 full weeks. Due to the fact that the period of activity of the active substance is about 5 hours after ingestion, it is necessary to drink tablets on the course on a daily basis.

What do SP Methandienone reviews say?

It is not so difficult to find opinions about this anabolic on the net, all the more so it will not be difficult to find opinions about its active substance, which has been used with benefit for a variety of tasks for several decades now. Such statements will undoubtedly help a novice athlete, new to steroids and their properties, to conduct a safe and effective course of use.

Methandienone from SP Laboratories is an excellent oral steroid product. Numerous statements on the network confirm that these tablets are capable of providing pronounced results and, if the recommendations are followed, can be used relatively safely by athletes of various levels. That is, the drug can be called suitable for both seasoned and experienced athletes, as well as amateur athletes or even beginners.

Buy SP Metandienon at the best price

You can order this steroid drug in our online store. Buying here will be the right decision on your part. Gormon Rosta provides customers with the best possible conditions for the acquisition of sports pharmacology and presents the widest range of drugs to choose from, from various steroids to thyroid hormones.

By purchasing pharmacological products for sports in our store, you actually avoid risks. It is safe to buy SP Metandienon from us because it has an excellent security system. All sensitive data is protected in the best possible way. No matter what happens, they will not get to strangers.

In this case, you can place an order conveniently. Service is also an important part of our work. For customers, the best conditions are provided, ranging from convenient delivery, possible to various localities in domestic countries, and ending with guarantees for the safety of goods.

Our store is open around the clock, so you can order Methandienone SP Laboratories at any time that suits you. All orders are processed as soon as possible and shipped without delay. You can be convinced of our honesty and reliability simply by examining the multiple reviews of satisfied customers.


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